
  1. A preliminary effort to assign sponge (Callispongia sp) as trace metal biomonitor for Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cr, an environmental perspective in Hative gulf waters Ambon (2013)Sumber: Klik Disini

  2. Analisa Beberapa Logam Berat pada Spons (Porifera) di Perairan Teluk Ambon (Analysis Of Some Kinds of Heavy Metals on Sponge (Porifera) In Ambon Bay)

Sumber: Klik Disini

3. Bioconcentration of Chrome (Cr) Metal in Three Types of Sponge (Callispongia sp., Xetospongsia sp. and Petrosia sp.) from Ambon Bay (2021)

Sumber: Klik Disini

4. The Use As Bio-Indicators Sponge Callispongia Sp. Heavy Metals Cd Metal Contamination In The Waters Of The Ambon Bay (2017)

Sumber: Klik Disini

5. The Use of callispongia sp from Halong waters (Ambon Bay) as Biomonitor for Trace Metals Pb, Cd, Cr and Zn (2012)

Sumber: Klik Disini