Analisis resiko bencana alam

  1. Strategi, mapping resiko, dan implementasi adaptasi perubahan iklim dan pengurangan risiko bencana untuk ketahanan di Kecamatan Sirimau Kota Madya Ambon. Analys is has been done on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction To Resilience Sirimau municipality in the district of Ambon. This study consiste dofthe analysis ofrainfall, floodingandlandslides, furthermappingandsearch-regulatory policiesregardingadaptationto climatechangearealreadythere. Based on the analysisof the obtainedresultsasfollows: Based onrainfall databoxplotthatseparatesthe twodistributionsof monthly rainfallis218mm. This valueis takenasthe lowest rainfallcausing flooding. Tolandslides, weadopt thecritical valueof244mm (3 quartilesofthe distribution) as land slide soccure very year sa flood. Analysis of Climate Hazard Composite Index shows that most of the area is in the range of indices< 1.5 and only a fraction> 1.5. The above analysis shows that changes in the socio-economic and biophysical changes the capacity of the Village/Village. From the analysis and the public dialogue adaptation 
  2. Analysis Strategy and Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. Strategies and Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Maluku of district Haruku Island-Indonesia have been conducted. This study was conducted consisting of a profile districts obtained Haruku island, the determination of V and C, as well as the picture of extreme rainfall. Based on the analysis of the obtained results as follows: In administrative districts of Haruku Island that consists of 11 villages were entirely concentrated on the island of Haruku. Haruku is part of the Maluku Islands is included in the category of patterns of local rainfall for the period of summer rains that took place as parts of Indonesia on generally experiencing drought. The rainy season occurs from May to August, the extreme rainfall occurred in 1989 and 2013 as many as four times. Based on calculations there is a village is in quadrant 5, three villages wards are in quadrant 2, three villages/wards are in quadrant 1, and four villages are in quadrant 3.